Sunday, 26 November 2017

Party Time!

It should be no surprise that in my eyes, parties are just another golden opportunity to play some board games!

But parties often have large numbers of people, there is  often drinking involved, maybe some food to be found somewhere and lots of people to chat too. All these factors can make finding a game to play a little tricky. 

But where there is a will there is a way, and that way is Party games! 

We discuss what we think makes a good party game (and what doesn't) and give a couple examples of some of our favourite games including talking about some that we got to play at an actual party the night before.

As always we also discuss the games we have been playing this week including Province, Saboteur 2 and New Angeles in particular if some of those games have some superfluous roles!

Keep up with us the rest of the week by following us on social media - find links at the bottom of the page and check out the Inside Voices Network for other podcasts at

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Board Game Sommelier

You get into the hobby, you start to amass games, you form a gaming group, maybe even start a podcast. At some point your friends and family notice you have a new hobby and they have questions.

If you are lucky one of those question is 'What board game would you recommend playing?'

Suddenly all those hours you spent playing games, watching youtube reviews and reading blog posts  have paid off. You scour your collection looking for that perfect game that's going to grab them and make a gamer of them too...

Or you just pull out pandemic because that's the gateway game that got you hooked. Either way.

This week we discuss the art of recommending board games for others. What factors do you take into consideration and is it even possible to predict what someone is going to enjoy if they have never played a modern board game?

We also discuss some of the games we have been playing this week including the Goonies Adventure card game, Pandemic and Werewords.

If you have any recommendations for games or thoughts on what we discussed feel free to leave comments below or contact us on social media - we love hearing from you guys! Links to all our Social media can be found to the right!

Also remember to check out the Inside Voices Network for links to more great shows!

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Negotiation Games

I'm not what you would call 'a haggler'. I'm not confident enough to push for a good deal on something and I'm much happier to go with whats on the table than to face awkwardness and confrontation by trying to negotiate for more.

But board games are all about escaping reality and despite my poor skill in real life I happen to really enjoy negotiation games. This week we were lucky enough to play two great ones - New Angeles and Chinatown.

We discuss how these games use negotiation in there game-play, as well a comparing how real life negotiation skills compare to their board game counterparts. 

We also discuss some of the other games we have been playing this week including Go Nuts for Donuts, New York Slice and One Night Ultimate Alien.

There are also details of the Inside Voices Network competition to win a copy of Stop Theif, to enter just tweet a #SleepyBandit picture to @InsideVoicesNet. To enter multiple times check out the other podcasts in the network at

If you want to catch up with us during the rest of the week check out the links to our social media.

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Social Gaming

Unless you are a solo gamer, board gaming is quite a social hobby. It provides a shared experience that can be the centre piece of a social get-together.

But when your hobby is board games and a lot of your friends are 'gamers' sometimes it can feel like board gaming is the only way you socialise.

In this weeks episode we discuss some of the pros and cons of socialising around board games and question if its something we do too much of?

We also discuss some of the games we played in what turned out to be quite a social week, including the Great Dinosaur Rush, Oh My Goods, Kingdom Builder and Star Realms.

Keep in touch with us during the week by visiting out social media (links at the side of the page) or check out for more great podcasts.