Sunday, 29 July 2018

Too many games?

This week it was my birthday! And I was lucky enough to receive a number of games as gifts from family friends for which I was very grateful. But it's also brought about a mini existential crisis about the size of our board game collection - do we now have too many games?

Please note I fully appreciate that this is a ridiculous issue to have, there are plenty of people in the world with real problems and having too much of a good thing is not a real problem - but this is a podcast about board games so that's what we are talking about!

We also discuss the games we played this week including Clank, Skrike and Oh My Goods.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Forgotten Games

Apologises this weeks podcast is so late- we had some technical issues which caused it to be delayed by a week and then the extra four days is just lazyness on my part (its too hot).

Hopefully you haven't forgotten about us because this week we are discussing our forgotten games- games we like but that just haven't made it off the shelf in over a year. We discuss three different games this has happened to (Cacao, Machi Koro and Forbidden Island) and the different reasons that have kept them on the shelf.

We also discuss some other games we have played this week including Age of Sigmar and Battlestar Galactica.
Our discussion of BSG lasts 7 minutes and its account of our last game- if you haven't played BSG before (or even if you have) it might not make loads of sense and you might want to skip it! Its on from 10.45 - 17.45.

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Sunday, 1 July 2018

Long Distance Gaming

One of the great things about board gaming is that it brings us closer together and gives you a chance to interact face to face with friends and family.

But what about those times when you can't help being apart. Is it possible to get that same board game experience remotely.

This weeks episode is all about how you could play board games long distance including ways of playing real board games when your apart and some digital substitutions.

We also discuss some of the games we played remotely with each other this week including NMBR 9, Legacy of Dragonholt, Star Realms, Carcassonne and Stone Age.

If you are curious about the Ludology episode I kept talking about, listen to it here: