Monday, 30 March 2020

The one with all the reviews

This week we finally get round to doing all those reviews we have been putting off for so long!

In no particular order we look at:

Also just to add this podcast was recorded a few weeks ago prior to a lot of the social distancing measures being enforced in the UK. Apologies if any of our comments seem flippant or insensitive. We are staying home and staying safe and we hope you are too. 

Secondly we had some audio issues I suspect caused by the baby monitor. I have tried to correct these but occasionally there is still buzzing, and on other occasions it sounds like we are underwater. Hopefully it isn't too distracting.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

Top 10

We have been gone a long time. There is no excuse really, other than we have a baby and baby's are hard work and tiring.

We decided to do something a little different (and a lot longer) for our comeback episode - a top 10!

I must admit I don't really believe in top 10's. I don't think its possible to objectively rank entertainment into a list - but we have done it anyway! Using pub meeples ranking engine.

Despite not being a believer in top 10s it was really fun to record this episode and just talk about all our favourite games - one of the very reasons we started this podcast in the first place!

If you can't face sitting through the episode our top 10s were as follows:

Becky's top 10:
Game Becky Ranking Kelly Ranking
Battlestar Galactica 1 1
Pandemic 2 29
Star Realms 3 4
Carcassonne 4 3
One Night Ultimate Werewolf 5 2
Sagrada 6 92
Last Will 7 8
Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 8 44
NMBR 9 9 59
Burgle Bros. 10 77

Kelly's top 10:

Game Becky Ranking Kelly Ranking
Battlestar Galactica 1 1
One Night Ultimate Werewolf 5 2
Carcassonne 4 3
Star Realms 3 4
That's Pretty Clever 14 5
The Castles of Burgundy 12 6
Scythe 11 7
Last Will 7 8
Stone Age 35 9
High Society 24 10

Joint top 10:

Game Becky Kelly Average
Battlestar Galactica 1 1 1
One Night Ultimate Werewolf 5 2 3.5
Carcassonne 4 3 3.5
Star Realms 3 4 3.5
Last Will 7 8 7.5
The Castles of Burgundy 12 6 9
Scythe 11 7 9
That's Pretty Clever 14 5 9.5
Great Western Trail 16 11 13.5
Wingspan 18 12 15

Sunday, 9 June 2019

UKGE 2019

This week we are covering our one day experience of the UK Games Expo 2019. We discuss what it is like to take a 4 month old baby to a convention plus the games we got to demo there including Maki Stack, Ticket to Ride London, Overbooked, Medium and Dice Hospital.

We also discuss some of the games we have been playing recently, namely Wingspan and Kitchen Rush.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Wibbell ++

This episode we are attempting a proper review!

We are covering the amazing Wibbell ++, a deck of cards for word games! We discuss the new deluxe version and the core games that can be played with it as well as our thoughts about the system in general. For more info check out

We also talk about a few of the games we have been playing recently including Splendor, High Society, For Sale, Star Realms Frontiers, Cobra Paw and Slam it.

Monday, 22 April 2019

More Board Game Apps

We are back again and we have actually been playing some games! This episode we discuss Legacy of Dragonholt (no spoilers), Batman Gotham City Chronicals and Ganz Schön Clever.

Asides from real board games we have also been playing a lot of app board games at the moment, so unsurprisingly that is this episodes pillow talk.

We discuss some of the app games we have been playing recently as well as what makes a good app game, online play vs pass n play, the benefits and pitfalls of app gaming and why the wooden blocks app isn't a board game app.

Long term listeners might also remember we covered this topic back in episode 2! A fact I forget to mention the entire episode but if you are interested in what we thought about board game apps back in May 2017 go check it out (it's so old its got our old logo!)

Monday, 1 April 2019

Christmas Special 2019

Since we are so late with our Christmas special it only seemed fitting to release it on April fools day! This episode was recorded 30th December 2018 - it really has taken me 4 months to get round to editing it, that not a joke!

We discuss the games we got to play with our families over Christmas including Confident?, Strictly Come Dancing Board Game, Santa Banta, Skull, Quixx, Azul, Welcome To.., Machi Koro, and High Society.

We also discuss what makes a good Christmas game and why are board games are so popular at Christmas, all useful and relevant stuff for April.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Gaming with Baby

We had a baby!

Surprisingly enough it has got in the way of us both playing board games and recording podcasts.

This episode we talk about how having a baby has affected our gaming and what kind of games might be suitable for playing when there is a newborn baby around.

Also I know that our last episode released was episode 66. I hope to get the missing Christmas special episode out soon!

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Moving your Collection

It's been embarrassingly long since we last did a podcast, but between moving house and babies life has definitely been getting in the way.

Fortunately we have still been managing to squeeze in some gaming during that time, so we do have a few games to talk about including  El Grande, Santorini, Pillars of the Earth, Loony Quest and Last Will.

We also talk about moving house - including what its like to have to pack up your entire games collection and say goodbye to inbuilt shelving! First world problems I know!

Hopefully the next episode will be out a little sooner than it took the last one to come out but we will see!

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Escape Room Games

OK so its been more like 4 weeks than 2 weeks since the last one! But we are back with another episode (that may or may not have been recorded over 2 weeks ago)

This time we are talking about a current passion - Escape Room games! The only thing we have been playing a lot of recently!

We mention the excellent Escape This Podcast A LOT this episode so be sure to check out them.

We also talk about Mark Robers youtube video on how to beat escape rooms, check it out here:

Finally we mention a print and play escape room that @Merchm3nt recommended us on twitter - we have yet to check it out but that doesn't mean you shouldn't!

We also talk about some of the other games we have been playing recently including Cockroach Poker, World Championship Russian Roulette, Sushi Go and Quixx.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Designer Games

This week we are discussing something we don't usually mention on our podcast - designers! We love games but don't always pay attention to the people that make them.

This week we are discussing why we should be paying more attention as well as some of the reasons we don't.

We also discuss some of the games we have been playing recently including Modern Art, Mountains of Madness, Majesty for the Realm, Descent, Strike and BSG (of course).

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Campaign Games

Much like getting this podcast out, it can some times be a struggle to organise a games day with friends.

Make it the same group of friends and a regular intervals and that challenge gets even harder. Despite this there is something about campaign games that makes it worth the effort.

This week we are discussing some of our on going campaign games as well as discussing some we have enjoyed in the past focusing on Descent, Near and Far and Pandemic Legacy.

We also discuss some of the games we played this week including Majesty: For the Realm, Clank, Strike and World Championship Russian Roulette.