Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Escape Room Games

OK so its been more like 4 weeks than 2 weeks since the last one! But we are back with another episode (that may or may not have been recorded over 2 weeks ago)

This time we are talking about a current passion - Escape Room games! The only thing we have been playing a lot of recently!

We mention the excellent Escape This Podcast A LOT this episode so be sure to check out them. http://www.escapethispodcast.com/

We also talk about Mark Robers youtube video on how to beat escape rooms, check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwgaTYOx0RI

Finally we mention a print and play escape room that @Merchm3nt recommended us on twitter https://www.escape-team.com/ - we have yet to check it out but that doesn't mean you shouldn't!

We also talk about some of the other games we have been playing recently including Cockroach Poker, World Championship Russian Roulette, Sushi Go and Quixx.


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