Sunday, 3 September 2017

Going Mainstream

It's easy to forget when you are heavily involved in the hobby that what you are doing is still fairly niche. Most people people think of the Beatles when they hear Ticket to Ride and a fortified french town when they think of Carcassonne. Board games to the masses are playing monopoly at Christmas or playing snakes and ladders as a kid.

This week we discuss in that perception will ever change, and if hobby games will ever break into the mainstream like video games have done and the factors that might be stopping that from happening now. As well as the things that are being done right now to tackle these issues, including the current indigogo campaign from Dized.

We also have our usual discussion of games we have played this week including Arctic Scavengers and Star Realms, and what it feels like to find you have been playing a rule wrong in a game after 30+ plays!

We also have a big announcement this week! We have joined the Inside Voices Network, a network of other board gaming podcast. We were so flattered to be asked to join, being fans of all three other shows in the network: Ding and Dent, the Five By and Greatway Games. All the shows are different from each other and different from a lot of the other podcasts out there. We recommend checking them out if you haven't already!

We are now going away for 2 weeks so the next full episode won't be until 24th September, in the mean time catch up with us on the social media platform of your choosing - just use the links at the bottom of the page, you will find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram or you can always email us at We love receiving your emails!