Sunday, 20 August 2017


If you have a computer and you enjoy playing board games chances are you are at least aware of kickstarter. Even if you haven't ever backed a project you may find you have a game in your collections whose origins being there.

The crowdfunding platform has allowed game designers a new way of realising their designs without having to have a large amount of capital up from or needing a publisher to release their games. It's so popular in the hobby, that some of the highest funded kickstarters of all time have been board games.

In this weeks episode we barely scratch the surface of this topic, instead focusing on our experiences and opinions.

 We discuss our two latest Kickstarter games to arrive - Go Nuts for Donuts (delicious fun) and Tiny Epic Quest (where we some how forget to mention the coolest thing about the game - the ITEMeeples, seriously look them up!).

We also discuss some Kickstarter games we own but didn't back - but just happened to have played at the games day we had last week- Blood Rage, Burgle Bros. and Sagrada as well as the excellent Great Western Trail.

We hope you enjoy this weeks episode and if you want to get in contact with us then please use links to our social media/ email below, and if you have a moment please leave us a review on iTunes - it helps people find us and we love hearing from you!